Posted by: sjraz | July 29, 2010

Are dogs the new babies?

They say if you are not sure you are ready to have children, you should adopt a dog. I think more and more ladies are taking that literal and then deciding that the dog is the better choice. (“at least for now”) In a time when the average age for women to marry is creeping dangerously  close to 26  years young, even married women (myself included)  seem to be leaning more and more toward canine companionship in lue of the more demanding and life altering alternative. There are many different theories as to why this is, and that is a whole other post, but what fascinates me is just how far some woman go to make the substitution. Even in a down economy, there are still millions of dollars being shelled out every day to ensure that our furry friends are as well fed and, in some cases, well dressed as we are. We are all too familiar with the images of Miss Hilton with her Chihuahua Tinker-bell but this trend is not just for celebrities anymore.

Just in case you were wondering what "Miss Anna" looks like

Just the other day,  I took my pup to get her nails clipped and the groomer asked which “pedi-paw” service little Anna would like and then stared at her as if she were waiting for her to point and say “the deluxe please, and I prefer french.”  I must have looked confused, because she went on to explain the difference between each doggie mani-pedi package and looked sorely disappointed when I finally replied “umm…just the basic trim please.” I then found myself wondering if I was a bad “mommy” because I wasn’t willing to cut into my vacation fund to let let my “little girl” have a manicure better than my own! Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my dog and I am included in the masses that are perfectly content with my canine baby substitute for the time being. I have been known to go to the store for milk and eggs and come home with a bag full of raw hides, pigs ears and fluffy ducks complete with an oh so annoying squeakers, but a spa day for my pooch is where I draw the line!

My theory was confirmed yet again at a number of recent social gatherings I attended with other 20 something ladies, both married and single. (Most of my friends are just starting their careers and have decided not to have children just yet.) Before we knew it, we realized that we had just spent the better part of an hour sharing pictures and stories about our dogs. This proves to me that we all have a motherly instinct and are, not so secretly,  fending off baby fever in favor of spontaneity and climbing the corporate ladder. At least for now, we are content to spoil our canine companions. Some maybe just a little more than others!


  1. That is my “granddog”! She is my sweetheart! I too have to spoil her!

    Love, grandma!

  2. Reblogged this on ladytiger and commented:
    It begs the question…

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